13 Nov 2005, Sun (Bright)

Hey friends..fans..and those who just surfed on in..this shall be my last entry on this blog. This blog was started because of him. And since he's getting on with life great (he actually like some other girls now..yah..1 week after we break up), I realised that it's time for me to do the same. I mean ONE WEEK after break up and he feel in love. What does that shows? I'm nothing. Haha.
Thank God I've a group of friends whom I go out with regularly now. I'm getting my life back bit by bit..I'm dating more guys than I've ever dated. Haha..got any nice guys to introduce, remember to tell me. With that, this blog shall no longer have any new entries..all will be memories..went to his blog to read what we used to do, it hurt a little but then if after a r/s it hurts, meant that the relationship brought you alot of happy memories. Thank you Kevin. May you be happy with whoever it is. But a piece of advice..don't do to her what you did to me. Trust is important so never betray her trust k? Bye friends....